We're grateful to have a number of individuals serving at McLeansville Baptist Church in full-time staff as well as part-time positions. Here are some of our ministry leaders.
Pastor Corey was saved at the age of 8 at Turners Creek Baptist Church, and answered the call to preach at age 16 at youth camp. Upon completion of high school, he began training for the ministry at Calvary Baptist Bible College in King, North Carolina. He graduated with a Bachelor of Theology, with a minor in Youth Ministries, in 2012.
While in college, he began working with the youth at his home church of Hope Baptist Tabernacle. It was in April of 2013 that he officially went on staff as the Youth Pastor of Hope Baptist. During his time as Youth Pastor, God began to burden his heart not only for the youth, but for the family as a whole. As a result, he began to sense God’s leading toward the pastorate. On September 2, 2018, he became the Associate Pastor of Mcleansville Baptist Church, and is excited to labor together with the great people of this church!
Pastor Corey is married to Charity and they have three children, Chloe, Hunter, and Elliott.